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Our school currently funds the services of a student / family support person.

Ms Jennifer Hayes provides pastoral wellbeing services to support students, staff and the school community.  

  1. The NSCSWP Worker has three main roles:

A Pastoral Role

Our chaplain will:

  • participate in a wide range of school community activities, and support staff, to contribute to creating a caring and inclusive learning environment within the school.
  • on request, provide initial support or information to students, staff and other school community members.
  • ongoing personal assistance with individual students, subject to duty of care, consent, confidentiality and disclosure requirements and the code of conduct.
  • offer support or information with regard to critical situations, grief, family breakdown.
  • be available to provide ongoing support to individuals and/or families.
  • provide additional opportunities for families to feel supported.

A Referral Role

The Chaplain will:

  • provide factual and impartial information about, network with, and be a link to, the support and services provided through community groups, local council and government agencies.
  • consult and liaise with staff about student safety, wellbeing or learning while maintaining appropriate confidentiality, and referring students to other staff as required.
  • be required to report any suspected abuse or neglect.

A Resource Role

The Chaplain will:

  • provide a reference point for addressing social issues
  • provide access to resources from the broader community which are relevant to school programs.
  • be available to give input into health and social education courses (e.g. in the areas of grief, self-esteem, values or relationships).
  • be available to give assistance with camps and excursions, and, where appropriate, initiate activities such as voluntary clubs or groups in the school.

St Mary's Primary, Rushworth

Ph (03) 5856 1347
Fax (03) 5856 1851
Email: principal@smrushworth.catholic.edu.au
5 - 7 Southam St, Rushworth 3612


The Sandhurst Catholic Education Office and Schools acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which their Offices and Schools are built. We commit to working in partnership with Aboriginal people for reconciliation and justice.