Individuals should be prepared to meet the challenges and rewards of lifelong learning. St. Mary’s school provides individuals with the skills, knowledge and understanding necessary to be able to make informed choices about the important things in their lives. The use of appropriate learning and teaching strategies assists individuals gain a balance of academic and co curricula experiences and the skills necessary to become contributing members of society.
Relevant Vision Statements:
• In educating the whole child in a safe learning environment where teamwork and collaboration are central so that each child endeavours to become a valuable contributor to society.
• In providing a curriculum which cultivates life long learning through commitment to current teaching and learning practices.
• To provide all students with the learning opportunities and experiences that they individually require.
• Teachers at our school acknowledge that students deserve the very best teaching possible, and recognise the strong link between quality of teaching and student performance.
• As a consequence, we have undertaken a commitment to provide for the individual needs of each and every student to the best of our ability.
• Parents/carers will be kept well informed of their child’s progress, through Learning Conversations held in Term 1 & 3 and through written reports provided at the end of Semester 1 & 4.
• Parents/carers will be invited to be active participants in their child’s learning, and will be provided with ongoing opportunities to improve their own teaching skills.
• Professional learning in all key-learning areas and capabilities will be developed and implemented by teachers who constantly review and analyse curriculum content, resources and teaching techniques in PLC meetings.
• Both extension and intervention opportunities will be provided for all students according to need. • Students will be provided with differentiation in their learning where needed.
• Partnerships will be formed with Catholic Education Office Educational Officers, outside agencies (where applicable) and members of the wider community to broaden teaching and learning opportunities for students.
• Teachers will become skilled practitioners in the use of learning technologies, and will routinely encourage the use of technologies to enhance learning opportunities. St Mary’s Primary School Teaching and Learning Policy 2020
• All teachers will undertake to enhance their skills by development and active involvement in personal professional development programs.
• All teachers will be involved in Annual Review Meetings (based on AITSL) peer coaching, peer assessment and 360o feedback.
• Learning experiences will be challenging, engaging, and involve practical ‘hands-on’ activities and first-hand encounters where ever practicable.
• Personal learning plans (PLPs) will be developed with each student and parents/carers, identifying targets and achievement goals.
• The Victorian Curriculum F–10 sets out what every student should learn during their first eleven years of schooling. The curriculum is the common set of knowledge and skills required by students for life-long learning, social development and active and informed citizenship.
• Curriculum will be planned around the eight Learning areas: English, Mathematics, The Arts, Health and Physical Education, The Humanities, Science and Technologies. This will also include the four Capabilities: Critical and Creative Thinking, Ethical, Intercultural and Personal and Social.
• Teachers will determine the Scope and Sequence for each Learning Area and Capability on Planning day each year to align with school and community events.
• Teachers review the Scope and Sequence for each Learn Area and Capability at the end of each term, to ensure that the Victorian Curriculum is covered.
• Students are assessed against relevant Victorian Curriculum with subsequent learning experiences reflecting each student’s needs.
• Learning opportunities will be open-ended, cater for the multiple intelligences of all students, and be based upon cooperative learning strategies.
• Both extension and intervention opportunities will be provided for all students according to need.
• Teachers will draw upon the expertise of others during planning time to develop and implement the Victorian curriculum.
• The routine use of learning technologies to enhance learning will be strongly promoted.
• This policy will be reviewed annually as part of the school’s two-year review cycle.